Clinical Team

Meet our Care Oncology clinical team, all specialists, in the delivery of metabolic treatments to people living with cancer. They are experienced in working with patients across solid tumours and blood cancers alongside many different standard-of-care regimens.

Dr Samir Agrawal


Dr Samir Agrawal is a Consultant Haemato-Oncologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and The Barts Health NHS Trust and a Senior Lecturer in Haematology at Queen Mary University of London. He also sees patients privately, including at Care Oncology Clinic, since 2015.

Dr Agrawal has expertise is in the treatment of blood cancers and in stem cell transplantation for these diseases and a specialist interest in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). He is also a recognised expert in the field of infections in immunocompromised patients with cancer and a world authority on life-threatening invasive fungal infections.

Dr Agrawal qualified at the University of Bristol and then trained at the Royal Marsden Cancer Hospital. He was awarded a PhD with first class with honours (in Immunology) at the University of Paris. He is a former Director of The Stem Cell Laboratory and Head of Diagnostic Immunophenotyping. Dr Agrawal has designed, funded, and implemented studies on myelodysplastic syndromes, invasive aspergillosis, and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). He was a founding Trustee of the UK MDS group and formerly a member of the UK MDS and CLL trials committee. He is also a trustee for CLLSA, the patient-led support organisation for patients in the UK with CLL, as well as a NICE reviewer and the Haemato-Oncology representative on the UK IVIg initiative.

Dr Agrawal’s current activities are in the field of invasive fungal disease, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, systems for ‘remote care’ for patients and empowering patients by giving them their data through secure online databases. He is also a member of the fungal subgroup for the government committee on antimicrobial resistance, ESPAUR. 2024

Dr Hariharan Kuhan


Dr Hariharan Kuhan joined the team in June 2019. He completed his undergraduate medical training at Imperial College London where he graduated with a BSc in Surgery and Anaesthesia. He performed his foundation and core medical training in London, working at hospitals such as St Mary’s and St Bartholomew’s. He has gained significant experience working in Medical Oncology at centres of excellence such as St Bartholomew’s, University College London and Royal Marsden Hospitals.

Following a research fellowship at Barts Cancer Institute where he gained laboratory experience targeting metabolic pathways in cancer stem cells and circulating tumour cells, he went on to develop translational phase 1 trials based on his pre-clinical work. He attained a clinical fellow role working in an early phase trials unit, the Sarah Cannon Research Institute UK, where he was lead sub-investigator for a variety of solid tumour trials.

Dr Kuhan continues to play an active role in clinical research and drug development. His strong background in mainstream oncology coupled with his trials experience and research work in metabolic targeting make him an excellent fit with the existing medical team at the clinic.

Dr Ndabezinhle Mazibuko


Clinical Research Fellow in Clinical Neuroscience (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience – King’s College London)

Dr Ndabezinhle Mazibuko is Clinical Research Fellow in Clinical Neuroscience (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience – King’s College London) whose work includes clinical trial design, management and data analysis with respect to pharmacological and neuro-imaging studies in both the academic and industry sectors.

His academic role includes medical student tutoring and periodic lectures. Prior to that he was an Acute Stroke and Neurology Registrar at King’s College Hospital and has several years’ experience as a clinician in varied disciplines within the NHS in addition to clinical experience in Australia (where he trained) and also in Africa.

He has a keen interest in Public Health Medicine and now also assists The Health Services and Population Research Department at King’s College London with data analysis with a view to policy creation and implementation for Non Communicable Diseases.

Since October 2014 he has clinically reviewed patients through the Care Oncology Clinic, implementing the protocol for the clinic. The medication regime that the clinic uses has its foundation in metabolic treatment with which Dr Mazibuko has extensive clinical experience.

Dr Padman Vamadevan


Dr Padman Vamadevan undertook a Natural Sciences degree at Queens’ College, Cambridge, and subsequently completed his medical degree on the fast-track programme at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London. He subsequently secured an Academic Foundation training post at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals, during which he was seconded to Quintiles Drug Research Unit where he was involved in trial design and management and data analysis.

Following this, he was appointed as an Academic Clinical Fellow in Clinical Pharmacology at St George’s Hospital and during this period, published multiple peer-reviewed papers, whilst also receiving a travel fellowship to speak at the European Respiratory Society congress. Subsequently, he has taken up a variety of Haematological and Oncological posts at a variety of leading cancer institutions in London, which have afforded him significant relevant clinical experiance.

He has worked at the Care Oncology Clinic since 2016 and his familiarity with Biochemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Research Studies and Oncology are consistent with the academic lineages that underpin the metabolic treatments offered by the clinic.

Louise Dangerfield-Booth

RN, NMP, BSc, Dip HENs

Highly skilled Nurse Practitioner with more than 25 years experience in Oncology and other clinical settings

Louise is an experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioner with over 25 years in Oncology, Palliative Care and Primary Care. She has served as a Clinical Team Manager for the Hospice at Home Service with Sue Ryder, driving service improvements through collaboration with key stakeholders.

As a Non-Medical Prescriber, Louise has a comprehensive understanding of the clinical, psychological, and social impacts of ill health. She is passionate about holistic patient care, treating both the person and the disease. Louise has contributed to the implementation of services within the gynae oncology team, including the development of a patient information document for BRCA testing.

With over 20 years of experience in hospital and community care teams in Gloucestershire, she has supported and advised patients and their families. Additionally, she has worked with local GP surgeries, handling triage, assessments, and prescriptions.